In a heartbreaking turn of events early Sunday morning, a devastating accident claimed the lives of four young Muslim men when their BMW rolled multiple times before crashing into a Toyota dealership near the M1 South on Empire Road in Johannesburg. The deceased have been identified as Taahir Mohammed, Fardeen Rhemtula, Mateen Ghood, and Zayan Chayya.
Emergency services, including Johannesburg EMS paramedics, were quick to respond to the scene where they found the vehicle, a white BMW 2 Series, overturned on its roof with the occupants trapped inside. Despite the rapid response and efforts of the paramedics, all four young men were pronounced dead at the scene by Gauteng EMS.
The incident has been handed over to the local police and Johannesburg Metro Police Department for further investigation, leaving a community in mourning and calling for increased road safety measures.