South Africa Welcomes Hamas to our Shores

The Media Review Network (MRN) welcomes members of the Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas to our shores.

Members of the Resistance’s political bureau: Dr Bassem Naim, Dr. Khaled Qaddoumi, and Emad Saber will attend the Fifth Global Convention of Solidarity with Palestine to be held in Johannesburg from 3-5 December 2023. They will also meet with leaders of political parties, civil society formations, and Palestinian solidarity organisations.

The visit by senior Hamas leaders is a severe blow to Zionist proxies in this country who have fought hard to demonise the Resistance by branding them as terrorists and not freedom fighters in the wake of the October 7th Gaza jailbreak and attack on the illegal southern settler colonies.

The SAJBD and SAZF have been left with egg on their faces and have resorted to peddling half-truths and whole lies regarding the events of October 7th such as the rape of women and beheading of children even after these were refuted by the usurping entity’s very own media and hasbara (propaganda) outlets.

The MRN calls upon the local media houses to fact-check every allegation made by these local extremist proxies of the usurping entity.

We also call upon media houses to investigate confirmed reports of South African Jewish extremists serving in the usurping entities terror forces in violation of the Foreign Military Assistance Act to ensure that they are eventually prosecuted should they ever dare return to our shores.

Hamas is not an internationally designated terrorist group as the chief propaganda officer of the SAJBD would like us to believe. It is only designated as such by the usurping entity’s colonial Western allies, hardly fitting the definition of ‘internationally recognised’.

The MRN wishes the Hamas representatives fruitful discussions at the conference and expects widespread support for its current and future resistance efforts in Palestine against the usurping entity.

Issued by:

Dr. Ahmed Haroon Jazbhay – Executive Member – Media Review Network Johannesburg, South Africa