Brixton Social Cluster to Get New Library and Swimming Pool

​The Brixton Social Cluster, implemented by the Johannesburg Development Agency (JDA), has been going a long way in benefiting the community of Ward 58 and surrounds. The Brixton Social Cluster’s full potential is set to be realised as the JDA continues with catalytic interventions and public facilities upgrades, which form part of the second phase of the development of the facility.
On the corner of High and Mercury streets, building works can be seen as the phase two of the project takes shape.

For the 2022/23 financial year, a total of R12 million has been allocated to the construction of phase two of the Brixton Social Cluster.

This includes the creation of a public square, new library, new coffee shop, an upgraded green open space and kids play area and an upgraded swimming pool facility.
The new library will be a single-storey building with a floor area of 1840m². It will accommodate the main library general and specialised information resource spaces and a study centre.
The building ground floor will be split into two levels, upper and lower ground level, to take into account the site’s downward slope from High Street.

The scope of work the construction of the library involves built works, signage and supply of furniture items.

The Brixton Swimming Pool is older than 60 years and was constructed in 1938.

During the school holidays, there are usually up to 200 children that spend their days at the facility.
The surrounding schools also use the facility and arrange transport to bring the scholars to the facility.
To maintain the swimming pool’s historical value, the JDA will be undertaking renovations to the facility in accordance with heritage consultants and architect specifications.

The public square of the Brixton Social Cluster is aimed at being a safe and well-lit outdoor gathering place for the community.The art gallery and coffee house will serve as a single-story building of 320m².
It will have three entrances, the first providing direct access from Brixton square, the second will open into an outdoor sitting area and the third is an access to the kitchen service area. The scope for this building will comprise the building shell, facade signage, the kitchen brick walls, and the toilet area including fittings and finishes.

The scope of work for the playground area will involve a new 60m² ablution facility and walkways and paving, a cycle track, safety surfaces, landscape works, new playground equipment, two drinking fountains and new outdoor furniture.

Construction of the facility thus far has played a critical role in job creation and skills development, with 30% of the contract value being awarded to SMMEs in the ward.

For phase two of the project, a total of eight SMMEs have been appointed on the project with the appointment value exceeding R10 million.

“The completion of the Brixton Social Cluster will serve as another example of how the JDA’s development interventions in strategic locations in the City continues to create valuable public spaces, infrastructure and amenities for residents,” said Cllr Belinda Echeozonjoku, the MMC for Development Planning in the City of Johannesburg.

Since its launch in September of 2021, the state-of-the-art facility has already hosted notable high profile events, programmes and initiatives including the 2022 State of the Province Address, the 2022 Youth in Construction Summit, the Sixth National Conversation on Homelessness and 2022 Southern African Regional Table Tennis Championships.